Angela Chao

October 14, 2015
Angela Chao

China Daily Shines a Spotlight on Angela Chao

The article was originally posted on chinadaily  Li Jing of China Daily, USA, sat down recently with Angela Chao, Deputy Chair of Foremost Group, in the […]
August 15, 2015

Angela Chao Funds a New Scholarship Fund at Harvard College

The Ruth Mulan Chu and James Si-Cheng Chao Family Undergraduate Scholarship Fund has been created at Harvard College The article was based on the attached PDF statement– Angela […]
July 27, 2015

International Leadership Foundation Honors Angela Chao

The article was originally posted on .ilfnationa The International Leadership Foundation (ILF) will hold its annual awards gala and dinner this year on July 30, 2015. […]
June 2, 2015
Angela Chao

The Chao Family Legacy Builds the Foremost Group

The article was originally posted on The met with members of the Chao family in June to hear about the beginnings, challenges and future […]