New center to foster international cooperation moves closer to opening day

Chao Family
A Vision Takes Shape on the Harvard Business School Campus Skyline
April 27, 2015
Members of the Chao family at the topping off ceremony of the Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center
Cheers and Celebration at Harvard Business School
April 29, 2015

New center to foster international cooperation moves closer to opening day

Dr Chao, Angela Chao and Elaine Chao, Harvard Celebration
  • The article was originally posted on 

In 2013, Chao Family foundations made a generous gift to cover the construction costs of a new executive education center on the Harvard Business School campus as well as fund the Ruth Mulan Chu and James Si-Cheng Chao Family Scholarship Fund which will assist 4-6 students a year to attend Harvard Business School. Recently, the new Center—the Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center—passed a milestone in the construction process—the top beam was laid into place. The Honorable Elaine L. Chao, spoke about how fitting it is that this Center, which will house programs for an international student body, named in honor of her mother, stressing that her parents always strove to be a bridge between the east and west. She said it is the family’s hope that the legacy of her mother and father will be fostered in this new Center whose goal is to train and develop leaders of the future who will gain a better understanding of international issues upon which they can build a more harmonious and prosperous society.