The Importance of Education

Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center designed by Goody Clancy
Angela Chao Statement at Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center Opening Ceremony
May 20, 2014
Dr James Chao
Foremost Celebrates 50 Years
January 19, 2015

The Importance of Education

Angela Chao- The Importance of Education

This video is a report showing the importance of education and how it can launch successful leaders. Education is a major stepping stone of success where people learn just as much outside of the classroom as they do inside of it. A great example of a school that represents this is the Harvard Business School. Angela Chao speaks fondly of her time studying at Harvard Business School, almost like she comes home again each time that she visits. Leaders such as Angela can find their leadership strengths within extra-curricular groups, from their fellow classmates, as well as within themselves. Sometimes leaders first need to discover how they are leaders within their own lives, enhance those qualities, and use them moving forward. Others must realize that, as leaders, they are actually serving those around them. A good leader is one who elevates those around them, thereby elevating themselves along the way.