The Organization of Chinese-Americans Honors Angela Chao

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The Organization of Chinese-Americans Honors Angela Chao

Angela Chao Receives Oca Awards

Reported by Li Ruo Yun (Queenie Li) of New York World Journal

The Organization of Chinese Americans Association of Westchester and Hudson Valley Chapter held its 33rd Annual Dynamic Achiever Awards Gala, where they awarded Foremost Group’s, Ms. Angela Chao, the 2013 Dynamic Achiever Award. Also honored at the event, was New York Appeals Chief Judge, The Honorable Randall T. Eng, Esq, and Pace Women’s Justice Center, Ms. Jane Aoyama- Martin, Esq.

For 33 years, The Organization of Chinese Americans has given the Dynamic Achiever Award to many celebrities, including the renowned Director, Ang Lee, The Honorable Elaine L. Chao, etc. OCA president Vincent Young hopes that more young people will join the Organization of Chinese Americans to bring vitality to the organization and help carry forward the outstanding achievements of Chinese descendents in the United States. Chief Executive Officer Lin Zhiming said that their mission is to build the strength of OCA and uplift the voices of Chinese Americans. He referred to the Jimmy Kimmel viral video “Kill the Chinese People” as an example of how Chinese Americans should be more united in order to win respect on a variety of issues.

The Organization also invited three accomplished individuals to speak at the event including Harvard University Professor, Vivian Louie, The Honorable Elaine L. Chao, and the Organization of Chinese Americans Director, Tom Hayashi. Elaine Chao referenced a recent family murder story in Brooklyn, and as a one-year old immigrant herself, she knows that new immigrants adapt to American life through a great deal of struggle and pain, “ When my family came to the United States, we didn’t know anything and life was hard, but we used optimism and courage to overcome the hardships. My family reflects almost every immigrant family who arrives in the United States. With this determination and family cooperation, all can absolutely flourish as the United States is full of opportunities.”